Two Weeks (Acoustic)
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:24 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Song Author
P. Labonte
Tabbed by
Dee \m/ oon'
1st → Oli
2nd → Phil
3rd → Mike
File Size
63 KB
and you neg-lect-ed i called you out don't plea-se
i said we're stron-ger than this now
you res-su-rec-ted mis-takes years past it see-med
and they ex-ist to still haunt you
and still you feel like the lone-li-ness
is bet-ter re-placed by this
i don't be-lieve it this way
and i can see the fear in your eyes
i've seen it ma-te-ria-lize
gro-wing stron-ger each day
i could see as it turned to stone
still clear-ly i can hear you say
don't leave don't give up on me
two weeks and you ran a-way
i re-mem-ber don't lie to me
you couldn't see that it was not that wa-ay
swear i ne-ver gave up on you
i wan-ted no-thing but for that trust a-ga-in
and brick by brick you would take it
you feared of phan-toms and none e-xist but you
you still saw fit to des-troy it
and still you feel like the lone-li-ness
is bet-ter re-placed by this
i don't be-lieve it this way
and i can see the fear in your eyes
i've seen it ma-te-ria-lize
gro-wing stron-ger each day
i could see as it turned to stone
still clear-ly i can hear you say
don't leave don't give up on me
two weeks and you ran a-way
i re-mem-ber don't lie to me
you couldn't see that it was not that wa-ay
swear i ne-ver gave up on you
and you neg-lect-ed i called you out don't plea-se
i said we're stron-ger than this now
you feared of phan-toms and none e-xist but you
you still saw fit to des-troy it
and still you feel like the lone-li-ness
is bet-ter re-placed by this
i don't be-lieve it this way
and i can see the fear in your eyes
i've seen it ma-te-ria-lize
gro-wing stron-ger each day
i could see as it turned to stone
still clear-ly i can hear you say
don't leave don't give up on me
two weeks and you ran a-way
i could see as it turned to stone
still clear-ly i can hear you say
don't leave don't give up on me
two weeks and you ran a-way
i re-mem-ber don't lie to me
you couldn't see that it was not that wa-ay
swear i ne-ver gave up on you
i could see as it turned to stone
still clear-ly i can hear you say
don't leave don't give up on me
two weeks and you ran a-way
i re-mem-ber don't lie to me
you couldn't see that it was not that wa-ay
swear i ne-ver gave up on you